Saturday, November 29, 2014

Conflict Management Strategies

When dealing with any kind of conflict, I personally think the following techniques will help resolve the conflicts.

1.     The win/win approach: In this approach, both the parties will benefits. For an example, if the conflict is with my colleague, this approach will be effective. This approach is about changing the conflict from adverse attack and defense, to cooperation (Conflict Resolution Network, n.d). Sometimes it helps me when I look through other’s eyes and put myself in their shoes. It takes compromises and probing to come to win/win situations when resolving conflict. For an example, when I was dealing with a conflict with a colleague about talking to parents at work, I had to recognize our individual differences and once we found the differences, both of us had to be open to adapt one’s position by sharing information. It is the problem that creates the conflict but not the person.

2.     Compromise: As I have mentioned earlier, compromising each other helps most of the times. By compromising, both sides give up a little to gain a little (O’Hair & Wiemann, 2012). However, it is important to keep in mind of various the types of conflicts with different people. Important relationships can suffer if the people involved are always making compromises because compromises means giving up some of what you want, even though you are getting a little of something else in return (o”Hair & Wienmann, 2012). In this way, I would suggest compromising in certain conflicts.

O'Hair, D. and Wiemann,M (2012) Real communication: An introduction. Boston, New York: Bedford/St Mariin's 
Conflict Resolution Network. (n.d). Retrieved from


  1. Hello Lhakpa,

    I agree with you that the win-win strategy is the best one to resolve conflicts. The key is compromise. I believe that in every conflict the only way to achieve a complete resolution is one in which each party is happy with the outcome. Otherwise, there will be unresolved issues with at least one of the parties. Just as you stated, it is important to remember that the problem creates the conflict not the person. Sometimes, people forget this fact which is why verbal and physical attacks are sparked. People must also understand that in particular instances where compromises are unable to be made, then there must be an agreement where each party agree to disagree.

    Tabitha Abney

  2. One thing I have learned is to work toward the win/ win outcome. Creating a safe and open climate to discuss matters and learning to be non judgemental and learning what roles I need to play in the process has been of great help for me. Thanks for sharing your experience and perspective.
